Kidney Research UK, Living With It, Video

The Kidney Trust provide practical, emotional and financial support to kidney patients and their families. They campaign at a national and government level to improve kidney health and care services.

Video Production

Our Work in Action

Our Work in Action

Our Work in Action

Our Work in Action

The Brief

Kidney Research UK needed a suite of videos to highlight how kidney disease can affect those diagnosed and their families and why further research is so crucial.

The aim was to increase donations as well as awareness of the charity and kidney disease in general.

The Challenge

The videos needed to show the stark realities of kidney disease to increase awareness around why research in this area of medicine is so crucial. However, it was key that the videos were not over dramatic and told the real stories of those involved.

A key part of this was for the audience to feel as if those being filmed were talking directly to them, so they become drawn into their story. We did this through using an Eye Direct that allowed the participants to talk directly down the lens and to the audience at home.

The Outcome

We were able to produce a suite of videos that told individual stories about kidney disease whilst highlighting why this form of medicine requires further research.